He has promised to go on a date (or 'vate', as he called it once) with me to Santa Cruz for his fourth birthday.
We have lots of fun together. We finger-painted this morning. And grew some Magic Rocks. Last Friday, we used a paint-spinner to make groovy art work. And we made a collage for his parents. I watch him on Friday mornings, and we do all the messy, fun stuff his mom (who likes things super-clean) doesn't do with him- like draw tattoos on his arm with eye-liner.
I LOVE it! YOu gave him is first tattoo... what'd his mom think of that?
UP date on how everything is going in California please. Where are you working? Your favorite things to do? Places you like to hang out? How are the dogs?
His mom laughed. His mom and I had lived together for three years in the service, so she is well-acquainted with my antics :) She says it is good for him to do messy kid stuff, and it is good for her to not be present while it is taking place :D That way, we can make the mess, and then I can make most of it disappear before she gets home.
I got a job with United American Insurance. I have never had a job in sales, so we'll see if it works for me or not.
The dogs are doing well. We go on explorations into the city (SanFran) and other such things.
My roomie and I are working a quilts, so that is fun. I have been sewing glow-in-the-dark stars on the ceiling of my Jeep. And I am going to paint a mural on the wall here at my friend's house. I'll post some pics to let you know how that goes :)
How cute! It sounds like things are going well for you in California. We went to Santa Cruz a few times. The boardwalk is fun. The glow in the dark stars sound pretty cool!
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