They do a lot of bike riding and geo-caching. I'm not sure if you have heard of it. If not go to geocaching.com and check it out. It's a game where you use GPS systems to find 'treasures' or caches that other people have hidden across the nation...
A recent picture of Nette and I (DaNette's in the White, I'm in the Navy- well black in this picture). People still say we look a lot alike.... not sure. What do you all think?
Anyway, not a lot happening in our life right now. The kids only have one week of school until summer break. It's so odd how quickly time flies. It doesn't seem like that long ago that this school year started and yet Brandi was here on the first day of school and so much life has happened since then- wow. Anyway. We don't have any major plans for this summer as we are not sure when, or even if, we will be moving so we're trying to keep things open. Pete and I do have tickets to go to the Dave Matthews concert at the Gorge in Washington in August so that will be fun. We'd love to hear what everyone else has been up to. TTYS, Nae
I guess I have been out of the loop for a while, I did not even know she was married. you guys look a little different when you are together but when I see you both by yourselves I can barley tell a difference. The hair gives it away but I think that has been the plan all along. sometime you two should trade hair styles and see if anyone can tell then.
It sounds like you had a fun trip. I am going to have to give that Geocaching thing a try. Sounds fun.
The pics are really cute. You and Danette both look really good in that pic. You especially look sexy, JaNae. Great picture.
Thanks for the update on Danette and her fam!
That's pretty cool. She has a cute little family, and it sounds like they have some fun hobbies. I think you look alike (obviously), but I can tell who is who in the picture. The concert sounds cool. It sounds like Peter is still into the same kind of music :)
Yeah- Pete is still into the same kind of music although he is into a lot of other music too. Basically as long as it isn't rap or the twangy country he likes it. He still is a little boy at heart :)
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