Here are some of my pictures from Honduras, I took over 200 pictures so I will post some more later after I have sorted thru them. We were there to support the Marines in building a school house for the local town (4th pic). We supported them by keeping all their equipment running and we also did alot of transportation missions. It was a pretty fun trip overall besides the weather. It was hot and humid all the time. It was near impossible to stop sweating.
That's pretty cool. The waterfall is beautiful! Sounds like you had a good trip.
It was pretty fun but it is good to be home. How is Hawaii?
Yeah, I bet it is nice to be back home with your wife.
Nothing interesting here. I am taking a semester off for the first time in like 4 years, so it is weird to have free time! Doug's mom and sister are coming to visit, and I am trying to get some of my family to come in July. I think Mitch really wants to come out.
How are things with you and Lindsey?
Me and Lindsay are doing well. We are trying to figure out a way to pay our cars off quickly so that we can get a house. The chances of that are not good though unless I go active duty for a little while. We are still getting along great though. We just got cable though and so we have little arguments about whether I am going to play X-box or let her watch CSI. We usually find a compromise though. We started going to the gym again, (Lindsay kept at it while I was gone) I had not been going since I went to Honduras, I came back sick and am starting to feel better finally. I may have over done it though, it has been a month since I ran and I tried to do the same pace and stuff that I used to. I did fairley well, I lost about 10 pounds between the gym and having crappy food in Honduras but I got really dizzy and sick when I was done running.
So has you guys decided if Doug is going to Re-enlist? I think the last time we talked, he was still up in the air about it.
Hey Blen- looks like a great experience. It is always so fascinating to see how other cultures live, especially those who are not as privledged- it makes life seem a bit easier and makes you feel more thankful doesn't it. We'd love to hear more about your time over there. Thanks for posting the pictures:)
Congrats on going to the gym regularly- I just started going again a couple of weeks ago. It's crazy how quickly we can become out of shape when we stop working out- I hate it and I'm in constant envy of those people with high metabolisms and/ or a dislike for chocolate. Either one makes looking good and being in shape so much easier!
I can agree with you I am a MT Dew aholic and that does not help your run time at all
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