Hey, I am assuming you are talking to me :) The job is alright. I have to study through a whole bunch of material and then take a test to get a license before I can actually start the work part of it. Getting through all the material is taking FOREVER! Not to mention, I am working on the MBA thing right now, too. I am kind of entertaining the idea of getting a part-time job just to get out of the house until I get the license I need. I don't have the kind of personality to spend this much time between the same four walls :P I think I would get through the material faster if I had a chance to get out and do something to burn off my restlessness.
My roommates said I can paint a mural or two in their house. I am pretty excited about that. I will have to let you guys know how that is going.
The other day, Cameron (the little boy I live with) came out of the bathroom and exclaimed with excitement "MOM! I just peed standing up!" Well, of course I had to open my mouth and ask, "was it very difficult?" Next thing I knew, the boy had whipped his pants down and patiently demonstrated to me how you hold it, aim, and then let the pee come out. I thanked him for telling me how, but I don't have a "pee-pee hose" (my term, not his), so I will just have to continuing sitting or squatting when I pee. Of course, then I had to explain squatting. Luckily for me, we have two female dogs here who are not shy to demonstrate their squatting talents ;) I've been told I don't have the filter on my speech that everyone else has- imagine me living with a three-year-old.
The trip to Chinatown with Lorena was pretty fun. We found this little fortune-cookie factory with the yummiest fortune cookies I've ever eaten :D They were still warm and everything. And my fortune said "suburban husband is a gardener with sexual privileges". I am thinking that fortune is probably inaccurate, since I am not married- unless it's talking about my roommate's husband. I hope not. He's a mailman, but he helps his his mom, grandma, and uncle do their yard work. Hmm, that's a disturbing thought-
I don't know when I am coming back to Utah. Money is a little tight, so I don't really want to pay for the gas right now. Not too mention driving through the desert after the weather has gotten warm. I think hot feels hotter when you are bored and driving through a landscape full of a whole bunch of nothing. I think you guys should take a road trip and come out here. You can see the glow-in-the-dark stars I sewed to the ceiling of my Jeep and the sheet I painted with my whole body after completely smearing finger-paint all over me. Fun times in sunny California :)