Tuesday, April 1, 2008

My life... In five year increments.

9 YEARS AGO… (1999)

1. How old were you? 18
2. Where did you go to school? Box Elder High School
3. Where did you work? Burger King
4. Where did you hang out? Anywhere I could
5. How many piercing/ tattoos did you have? None
6. What car did you drive? Mostly a Buick Century or the Dodge Ram Van
7. Single/Taken/Married/Divorced? Single
8. Biggest purchase you had made (not with your parents money)? Reciever, CD Player, Speakers (about $700 total)
9. Craziest thing you had done? Be friends with all you guys!
10. Ever stayed the night (as a patient) in a hospital? Nope
11. Hardest thing you had ever done? Not sure… I didn’t really have a hard life.
12. Who did you date? No one really
13. What was your biggest fear? Girls
14. Farthest place that you had ever traveled? California

4 YEARS AGO… (2004)

1. How old were you? 23
2. Where did you go to school? Utah State
3. Where did you work? Inovar
4. Where did you hang out? My apartment mostly
5. How many piercing/ tattoos did you have? None
6. What car did you drive? 1992 Honda Accord
7. Single/Taken/Married/Divorced? Single
8. Biggest purchase you had made? The car
9. Craziest thing you had done? Stayed friends with you guys
10. Ever stayed the night (as a patient) in a hospital? No
11. Hardest thing you had ever done? School, maybe?
12. Who did you date? No one
13. What was your biggest fear? Girls
14. The Farthest place that you had ever traveled? Anchorage, Alaska


1. How old are you? 27
2. Where do you go to school? Utah State…. Still : (
3. Where do you work? Inovar… Still
4. Where do you hang out? Mostly my room… Still
5. How many piercing/ tattoos do you have? Nada
6. What car do you drive? 1997 GMC Sierra
7. Single/Taken/Married/Divorced? Single
8. Biggest purchase you have made? The truck
9. Craziest thing you have done? Lol.. I accidently walked in on the Life Drawings (I.E. nude models) class. That was a little awkward!
10. Ever stayed the night (as a patient) in a hospital? Still nope… Thankfully
11. Hardest thing you have ever done? I don’t know. School?
12. Who do you date? No one…. Still
13. What is your biggest fear? Yup, you guessed it. Girls.
14. The Farthest place that you have ever traveled? Europe (Germany, Austria, Italy, Switzerland, France, Holland, and London)

Wow, my life really hasn't changed much in four years. Same job, same school, same apartment, still single. That's kinda sad.


Pete and Nae said...

LOL- I haven't ever had the opportunity of walking in on a life model class altough I had this photography teacher once who was obsessed with Nudes and the only thing he ever showed us was Nudes. We even had a nude assignment. Wonderful college experiences :)

Christina said...

So when did you go to Europe? That sounds exciting. How is school? Are you still majoring in computer stuff?

Nicole said...

So I know I am responding to this months later, but Mike, you make me laugh! What were you doing in Europe? And why are you so afraid of girls? Are we really that scary?