We took a walk last Sunday and took some pictures. I thought I'd post a couple :) This is our Alex, Lalee and Becca. It's hard to believe that they are growing up so fast. Lalee will be 8 this June and says that she wants to get baptized. We'll let you all know the date, time and place when it gets closer so you can join us if you'd like. Alex will be 6 in June and Becca will be 4 in August.
Yesturday Peter was sharing a candybar with Becca and Becca said, "Daddy, look behind you." Pete, thinking she was trying to show him something, looked back while BEcca proceeded to grab candy while he wasn't looking! It's kind of funny how quickly they pick up on devious things!
We are starting to think about getting ready to move. I have been procrastinating it as moving means de-junking and going through boxes and stuff that you usually don't mess with. If I were smart I'd just toss all of it out! School's going okay although I am really excited that the semester is almost over. We would love to hear about graduation plans for those of you who will be done this year. Hope you all are doing great. Love, Nae and Pete

You have some cute kids. does time seem to be going faster and faster? I remember you and pete trying to secretly hold hands in the back of someones van while we were driving, i do not remember whos it was though
I'm glad that's the only thing that remember us trying to 'secretly' do. LOL.
Yes time seems to go so incredibly fast. We've already had over 1/2 of the years with Lalee that we will be able to really influence her. Kind of puts things into perspective...
Your kids are so cute, and they are always charming to be around. They make me laugh when I watch them interact with each other and cause mischief. You two have created a beautiful loving family. Thanks for letting me participate in some of your family activities!
Your kids are definitely growing up quickly. They are pretty cute. Are they excited about the move?
We haven't told our kids that we are moving yet. We plan on telling them on Memorial day weekend. Time goes so slowly for kids that even knowing two weeks in advance will seem like a really long time to them so we thought we'd just wait. How is life going in Hawaii?
i cant believe how big becca is... we are thinking coming the first weekend in may i think?
burgers... james is trying to get ahold of you if you are around....
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