Wednesday, March 26, 2008


This is a great idea, JaNae!

9 YEARS AGO…(1999)

  1. How old were you? 18
  2. Where did you go to school? Box Elder
  3. Where did you work? Dixie Grill, Lagoon
  4. Where did you hang out? Mostly at friends’ houses
  5. How many piercing/ tattoos did you have? Two in each ear
  6. What car did you drive? Whatever my parents were willing to loan me!
  7. Single/Taken/Married/Divorced? single
  8. Biggest purchase you had made (not with your parents money)? Drumset
  9. Craziest thing you had done? Played in the recycling bin
  10. Ever stayed the night (as a patient) in a hospital? Not since birth
  11. Hardest thing you had ever done? Babysit siblings and other kids
  12. Who did you date? No steady boyfriend
  13. What was your biggest fear? embarassment
  14. Farthest place that you had ever traveled? San Diego

4 YEARS AGO… (2004)

1. How old were you? 23

2. Where did you go to school? Took classes online

  1. Where did you work? Navy
  2. Where did you hang out? Stuff with husband, usually movies, mall, etc.
  3. How many piercing/ tattoos did you have? One of each
  4. What car did you drive? Ford Focus
  5. Single/Taken/Married/Divorced? Married
  6. Biggest purchase you had made? A wedding (Doug paid for the car)
  7. Craziest thing you had done? We went to Las Vegas for Doug’s 21st birthday and had a cab driver (I swear it) that was in the Russian Mafia
  8. Ever stayed the night (as a patient) in a hospital? Still no
  9. Hardest thing you had ever done? Tried to learn Korean
  10. Who did you date? I was married to Doug Tice
  11. What was your biggest fear? Money problems
  12. The Farthest place that you had ever traveled? Hawaii


1. How old are you? 27

2. Where do you go to school? University of Hawaii

  1. Where do you work? Women’s gym
  2. Where do you hang out? Not too sociable, but I am learning kickboxing
  3. How many piercing/ tattoos do you have? One of each (I gave up on earrings)
  4. What car do you drive? Toyota Corolla
  5. Single/Taken/Married/Divorced? Still happily married
  6. Biggest purchase you have made? Well, Doug paid for this car too…
  7. Craziest thing you have done? Rode on the back of a motorcycle during a lightning/rain storm (at least we were on the way home)
  8. Ever stayed the night (as a patient) in a hospital? Still no
  9. Hardest thing you have ever done? Been away from Doug
  10. Who do you date? Still married
  11. What is your biggest fear? Gigantic moths (yes, there is a story with this one)
  12. The Farthest place that you have ever traveled? Hawaii


Pete and Nae said...

Okay, so now you have to tell us the story about the giant moth.

Oh and more details on the motorcycle ride in the storm too :)

Brandi said...

wow, Christina. You have opened up a can of worms. Do tell!

Christina said...

The motorcycle ride thing was a few years ago. we met up with some of Doug's biker friends on a Saturday night and headed home around 1 am. Long story short, the weather was good when we left, and it started storming while we were gone. It was about a 45 minute ride, but we made it home ok. Just really wet.

As for the moth...
We have some interesting bugs here, including centipedes, cane spiders, flying cockroaches, and yes, moths the size of bats.
Anyway, a huge moth flew into my kitchen at 4:30 one morning when I went to take out the trash. I couldn't get close enough to kill it, because they like to fly at your FACE, and apparently it was immune to Lysol. After a half hour of sweating and screaming, I managed to trap it in a plastic tub and get on with my day. Of course Doug was not around to save me. I's still apprehensive to use the porch lights...