Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Great idea!

9 YEARS AGO…(1999)

  1. How old were you? 18 years old
  1. Where did you go to school? Box Elder High School
  1. Where did you work? Dixie Grill Bar-B-Que
  1. Where did you hang out? Friends’ parents’ houses, work, school, cars, grocery stores, recycling bins, parks, deserted dirt roads, etc…
  1. How many piercing/ tattoos did you have? 2 holes in one ear, 3 in the other
  1. What car did you drive? ’74 Dodge Dart
  1. Single/Taken/Married/Divorced? Kind of dating
  1. Biggest purchase you had made (not with your parents money)? Replaced the axle on my car that Pete broke (luv ya, Pete)
  1. Craziest thing you had done? Everything I did was crazy- um….that’s a toughie. I’ll come back to it.
  1. Ever stayed the night (as a patient) in a hospital? When I was an infant, I had pnemonia
  1. Hardest thing you had ever done? That’s a loaded question- survived my childhood.
  1. Who did you date? I went on dates with a lot of people. I dated Brad Timothy, but we both know it wouldn’t last.
  1. What was your biggest fear? I didn’t know enough to be afraid
  1. Farthest place that you had ever traveled? Mexico

4 YEARS AGO… (2004)

1. How old were you? 24
2. Where did you go to school? Utah State University
3. Where did you work? Praxis Youth Quest and Navy Reserves
4. Where did you hang out? Library, Mike and Denver’s place, with my bro and sis, my Baptist buddies
5. How many piercing/ tattoos did you have? Two piercing in each ear, one piercing in bellybutton, one tattoo on my ankle
6. What car did you drive? ’98 Ford Taurus
7. Single/Taken/Married/Divorced? single
8. Biggest purchase you had made? My car
9. Craziest thing you had done? Such a tough question!
10. Ever stayed the night (as a patient) in a hospital? Only as an infant
11. Hardest thing you had ever done? Another loaded question- survived a trauma and still completed my enlistment contract (as the first female ever in my work center).
12. Who did you date? A variety of people, nobody exclusively
13. What was your biggest fear? Running out of things to keep me busy
14. The Farthest place that you had ever traveled? I had been all over the Pacific when I was on active duty


1. How old are you? 27
2. Where do you go to school? Capella University- MBA w/ emphasis on Human Resources
3. Where do you work? In the process of job-hunting in CA’s Bay Area- Wish me luck!
4. Where do you hang out? Have only lived here for two weeks- I’ll get back to you on that. Hopefully, I get a lot of chances to explore San Fran. Been up the a few times.
5. How many piercing/ tattoos do you have? two holes in each ear, one in the belly, one in the nose, a tat on the ankle and one on the thigh
6. What car do you drive? ’98 Jeep Cherokee
7. Single/Taken/Married/Divorced? single
8. Biggest purchase you have made? Owe $7500 for my BS
9. Craziest thing you have done? I hate this question
10. Ever stayed the night (as a patient) in a hospital? Just spent 7 weeks in a VA hospital in Temple, TX
11. Hardest thing you have ever done? Participated in the treatment program in Temple, TX
12. Who do you date? A variety of people
13. What is your biggest fear? I don’t know. My attitude and perspective have changed so much (thank you TX). I am less cynical, so I feel safer. But I no longer think I know what to expect from people, so I feel more vulnerable.
14. The Farthest place that you have ever traveled? Haven’t gone any farther than my travels around the Pacific


Pete and Nae said...

Hey Brandi- That's awesome that you started your bachelors. I know that you have been thinking about it for a while! It sounds like you're adjusting to Cali. Miss ya :)

Cherry Wolf said...

My hubby's doing the MBA through Capella too! Did you make it through the "horrid three"? He has accounting next and it sounds a little scary.

Christina said...

Sounds like you are keeping pretty busy. So what is your newest tat?