She is constantly trying out new sounds, and even trying to whistle! She hasn't quite figured out crawling, but can roll and scoot backwards enough to get where she wants (or gets stuck). She can hold her bottle all by herself and likes to try to "help" pull off her clothes or diaper. She loves to laugh and sing. He favorite word is "dada" but she likes to say "bubbu" sometimes too. She loves her toys, she pants when she sees them and gives them kisses. Still no teeth, but she is working really hard to get them. She is very social, she loves to talk to other babies and watch them play.
Your baby is cute, how are you likeing your new town?
thanks, we really like it here. it's very quiet most of the time. the only down side is that there isn't much within walking distance.
Grace is such a sweet baby! I am so glad I have been able to see so much of her over the internet, even though I have never actually met her in person!
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