Friday, August 24, 2007

I hope I did this right ...

Hey what's up? I am trying to post a comment for everyone, but I am not sure if I did it correctly. Anyway, it sounds like things are going well. I am still in Hawaii, and will be for at least 2 more years. Doug is still in the Navy, and I am going to college. This is a good idea. I like it, because it is a little more private than Myspace. Anyway, I hope that you are all doing well.

1 comment:

Brandi said...

I think you did it right, because I see your post. Good job, Christina! Just kidding.

No, it's really good to hear from you again. I really hope we can all keep in touch with each other better this way. I know I am not that bad at checking my email and stuff. It's so convenient and waiting for whenever I feel like doing it.

Good to hear from you, Christina.