I got another job. I have three jobs, and I am still working on the MBA. I have been up since 5 am this morning, and I just got off work an hour ago (6 pm). I am so tired, I feel all light-headed and tingly, even after stuffing my gut! But it feels great to be busy and earning lots of money to pay for a year and a half of not being able to work. I have also met a lot of new friends over here in Sunny California, because of my jobs, so it's all good. It will feel good to get the debt paid off! And lucky for me and the pugs, one of my jobs allows me to bring the dogs with- or at least, no one has asked me not to yet ;-)
Oh, my 3 jobs: I have been working for Blue Buffalo Pet Food since August- basically hanging out in pet stores teaching people about pet nutrition, and of course, Blue Buffalo has all the good stuff and none of the bad (really, my pugs eat it! And they fart less!!!) I got a second job working for Global Distribution Services as an independent contractor, basically inventorying, and pulling and replacing expired pet magazines in Pet Stores. And I just got a third job about a month ago taking care of the animals in Pet Smart. I have been telling my boss I am going to be one of his managers, and I think he is almost convinced- ha ha. Most of my co-workers are scared of him, but I met him through my other jobs- I gave him lots of crap then, because he wasn't paying me to be there anyway. Now I work for him, and I still give him crap, lots and lots of crap- surprised he hired me, to be honest. But I told him he would- maybe he just hated to make a liar out of me. Or maybe he is bored with being surrounded by people that are scared of him. I'll let you know when I figure it out.....
Friday, May 8, 2009
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Update from the Wolf Family
The latest update from us is that our baby boy is now a month old. Everything else has been just trying to adjust to being new parents.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Kulick Baby
Look how much Grace has grown since she was born. Amazing! From 4lbs 7oz and 17in, to 25lbs (I am guessing) and 28in!!

She is constantly trying out new sounds, and even trying to whistle! She hasn't quite figured out crawling, but can roll and scoot backwards enough to get where she wants (or gets stuck). She can hold her bottle all by herself and likes to try to "help" pull off her clothes or diaper. She loves to laugh and sing. He favorite word is "dada" but she likes to say "bubbu" sometimes too. She loves her toys, she pants when she sees them and gives them kisses. Still no teeth, but she is working really hard to get them. She is very social, she loves to talk to other babies and watch them play.

She is constantly trying out new sounds, and even trying to whistle! She hasn't quite figured out crawling, but can roll and scoot backwards enough to get where she wants (or gets stuck). She can hold her bottle all by herself and likes to try to "help" pull off her clothes or diaper. She loves to laugh and sing. He favorite word is "dada" but she likes to say "bubbu" sometimes too. She loves her toys, she pants when she sees them and gives them kisses. Still no teeth, but she is working really hard to get them. She is very social, she loves to talk to other babies and watch them play.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Okinawa, Japan
Most of you all know this as you are on facebook, but we wanted to share with those of you who aren't facebook junkies ;) We are moving to Kadena, Japan which is on the Okinawa Island in August. We're pretty excited about the move. It is going to be a great adventure.
This spring has been flying by. It's my (JaNae's) last semester for my Masters degree and I am drowning in school work but the end is in sight- YEAH!!! Pete has been on a couple of TDYs lately and the kids are being kids. We are all planning on going to Boston at the end of May for my graduation. We've rented a house on the coast for a week and are really looking forward to that. We'd love to hear what you guys are all up to- what do you all say.... update time?
This spring has been flying by. It's my (JaNae's) last semester for my Masters degree and I am drowning in school work but the end is in sight- YEAH!!! Pete has been on a couple of TDYs lately and the kids are being kids. We are all planning on going to Boston at the end of May for my graduation. We've rented a house on the coast for a week and are really looking forward to that. We'd love to hear what you guys are all up to- what do you all say.... update time?
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Thought I would announce that Lindsay (my wife) is pregnant!! She is at 12 weeks right now and we should find out the sex at the next visit so keep us in your prayers, we have had some complications in the past. We are also currently in the market for some baby furniture so if you are trying to get rid of any let me know.
Also we are -> <- this close to being done with our house. My dad and my uncle Carl spent two long days there a few weekends and helped me fix some of the bad spots in the walls, either from bad framing, drywall hanging, or just bad mudding on my part. it looks so much better and Lindsay and I are very thankful. My dad has also spent almost every weekend for the last two months over there helping me. I think that there is alot I could not have gotten done without his help. It is pretty amazing that even with his lack of experience in house building, he is able to figure so much out on his own.
Also we are -> <- this close to being done with our house. My dad and my uncle Carl spent two long days there a few weekends and helped me fix some of the bad spots in the walls, either from bad framing, drywall hanging, or just bad mudding on my part. it looks so much better and Lindsay and I are very thankful. My dad has also spent almost every weekend for the last two months over there helping me. I think that there is alot I could not have gotten done without his help. It is pretty amazing that even with his lack of experience in house building, he is able to figure so much out on his own.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Addys Blessing
FOr those of you who dont know... we had our baby. We are blessing her the sunday after christmas for any of you who woudl like to come... feel free...t here will be food after... ;)
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Another UPDATE!
Well much has changed in our neck of the woods! We are now living out in Corinne. And get this, I am back living in my old house, where I grew up. We were living in a tiny house, and I could'nt take any more of it, and one day I was coming out here to take my son to school, and saw it for rent. a hah we got it! IT is so much like HOME! We love it. Well, I am feeling like I am quite the receptionist at my house. I feel like I am always on the phone with the VA, or DFAS, or the hospital, and the list goes on. I hate talking on the phone, and you All know how much I love to talk! lol My husband Kurtis, has gotten worse lately with his injury, and it has taken him to the point where he cannot work. We recently found out that he has the TBI, and for all you non military its Traumatic Brain Injury. He has been going down to salt lake to see a neo surgeon. He has really gone down hill, I never put much into mental illness or head injuries until now. I am learning so much. But despite these moments, we are all doing well! I am volunteering at Kayla school, and Turner's school. Really enjoy being a mom! Its my favorite job ever! Kayla is doing so well in school, her teacher recently told me she was reading over 120 wpm. And she is in 1st grade! Turner is loving preschool, and can catch a football while running, he is 3. And Allie is 2, and she is a crazy girl! She has a lot of energy, and a lot of opinion! (don't know where she gets that from :) But she is such a good girl.
On Friday, I did something I said I would NEVER do! I woke up early and went shopping at WALMART! It was such a nightmare, fistfights, and onry women in their pajamas..lol But the SALE ads got to me this year! And despite the horrific scene I was able to get everything I wanted, which was like 5 items! So i felt pretty proud! lol
Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!
Love Amber (Edelman5)
P.O. box 181
Corinne Ut 84307
Sunday, November 23, 2008
I guess I better update everyone too,
We are getting ready to get a house, the one we are getting is from habitat for humanity so it requires 500 hours (250 each) before we can move in. As of now we are somewhere from 50 - 75 left. We have done almost all of the finish work from mudding and taping, texturing, painting, got the floor ready for flooring, put in doors, trim and baseboard, and we still have to do the final finish (socket covers, window sills, touch-up paint, ect.) It has been a LOT of work but I have enjoyed learning everything. it has been pretty interesting. we are both pretty excited. otherwise nothing much is new with me, I work and go to drill and work on the house and play video games when I have time.
I am better at answering questions then just going on and on so feel free if there is anything I left out.
We are getting ready to get a house, the one we are getting is from habitat for humanity so it requires 500 hours (250 each) before we can move in. As of now we are somewhere from 50 - 75 left. We have done almost all of the finish work from mudding and taping, texturing, painting, got the floor ready for flooring, put in doors, trim and baseboard, and we still have to do the final finish (socket covers, window sills, touch-up paint, ect.) It has been a LOT of work but I have enjoyed learning everything. it has been pretty interesting. we are both pretty excited. otherwise nothing much is new with me, I work and go to drill and work on the house and play video games when I have time.
I am better at answering questions then just going on and on so feel free if there is anything I left out.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Time for an update:)

Hey everyone. It's been a while. I didn't get a ton of feedback on the Christmas party but I think we will go ahead and plan it anyway. We are thinking of Friday night, December 27th. So the week between Christmas and New Years. We're hoping that maybe this will allow some of you that are out of town and returning for the holidays to join us.
Also, I need current addresses as I am getting ready to send out Christmas cards. If you could either post your address or send me an email with it (janaeburger@yahoo.com)- phone numbers would be nice too) that would be awesome.
I hope you guys are doing well. We're doing great. Life keeps moving really fast! Pete is hoping to finish his degree within the next year some time. I am working at Syracuse High School and will have my masters this may. Our kids are growing like weeds. I took Lalee to her first prom last night (The Twilight Prom) it was a lot of fun (Pictures above- the first one is Lalee and I, the second is with my neighbors and Edward and Bella (Twilight main characters)).
We'd love updates. James and Lauren- how are the baby preparations coming? Christina- what's new in your neck of the woods? Nathan- how's school? Blen- have you guys bought a house? Cherry- did the fires on the coast impact you at all? Brandi- love to hear more about juggling all three jobs, school and your dogs. Jen- how's the medieval fighting going? Denver- loved the pictures of your family- where are you guys at right now? Amber- congrats on Kurtis's job and him going to school- what else is new? Mike- how's life going? I know I'm forgetting people- not on purpose though! Love to hear from ALL of you.. Let us all know what's changed within the past year. Oh and addresses please!!!! Have a beautiful day!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
shout out for Steve
check out my friend's music! this is a hilarious mix of music that the whole family will love! especially all you Mormons out there!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Hello! I know I've been a major slacker with this, but it's been fun to read all your posts over the last few months, and I figured I'd better get a little update about us up.
Asher is now going on 6 months old, and he's growing soooo fast. He's starting to get his teeth, he says "da-da-da-da" when he's hungry instead of crying, and he likes to stand up and sit up a lot. He also loves to steal the pacifier from his cousin's mouth, but he's not rolling over yet. Go figure. Melissa's baby can stand up off the floor, bend over and pick something up, but he refuses to walk. He's now 14 months old. I guess babies do what they want on their own schedule.
As for us, I'm STILL at USU, thanks to part-time semesters and missing most of last year entirely, but this is my last hard semester, and I should have a biochemistry degree in May. I took the pharmacy admissions test in August and got in the 94th percentile, so I should be starting the 3-4 of professional school somewhere next year. The question is, "where!?"
There are no pharmacy schools in Alaska :o(
But, currently, the options are USN (in South Jordan), Colorado in Denver, New Mexico (Albuquerque), and Sullivan in Louisville, KY. Anyone have any thoughts on those places? It's scary to consider moving somewhere without ever having visited.
Emma got a job with a payroll company in South Jordan, to give her a better career option and to get free babysitting from her parents. So right now we're split up during the week and they come home to Logan on the weekends. I know this is nothing compared to what all you military couples go through, but it's still not the funnest thing ever. I've been lonely, and poor Mike has probably noticed with all the pestering I've been giving him.
Anyways, a Christmas get-together sounds fun. We need to do this now that it seems most of us are somewhat close to Brigham now.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Holiday Get-together Anyone?
Hey guys. We were thinking it might be have a Christmas get-together this year with everyone (or at least everyone who can make it). We were thinking of the first Sunday in December (Dec. 7th). Hopefully this won't interfere with too many holiday plans. Hopefully between a pot luck dinner and some games we'd be able to catch up with each other. Please let us know if this is something that interests you, if a different day would be better, etc. Hope to hear from you all soon so we can plan this if there is enough interest:) Pete and Nae
Friday, September 5, 2008
Need a part-time job?
I am now working as a representative for Blue Buffalo pet food company. I just stand in pet stores and visit customers. If I get a chance to bring it up, I encourage them to buy pet food from Blue Buffalo-no quota, no pressure :) The food is premium quality and sells itself in most cases. I make my own schedule, and my boss is extremely cool. It's a part-time position of 8-20 hours a week. The pay is very good for such and easy job. It's a really great job for me, because I get paid to stand in a pet store and talk to people about their pets and meet their dogs.
My boss has put out the call for recommendations for other people who are interested in being representatives anywhere in the country. The company has contracts with PetSmart and Petco, so it's national. If you are interested, let me know, and I will recommend you.
I am now working as a representative for Blue Buffalo pet food company. I just stand in pet stores and visit customers. If I get a chance to bring it up, I encourage them to buy pet food from Blue Buffalo-no quota, no pressure :) The food is premium quality and sells itself in most cases. I make my own schedule, and my boss is extremely cool. It's a part-time position of 8-20 hours a week. The pay is very good for such and easy job. It's a really great job for me, because I get paid to stand in a pet store and talk to people about their pets and meet their dogs.
My boss has put out the call for recommendations for other people who are interested in being representatives anywhere in the country. The company has contracts with PetSmart and Petco, so it's national. If you are interested, let me know, and I will recommend you.
Monday, August 18, 2008
It is about that time when life updates are called for...
It has been a while since I have really opened the window on my life so here goes,
I turned 25 last june and holy cow I am starting to feel it (although i know it will keep getting worse). All the fun I had when I was a kid are coming back to haunt me. I am doing good though.
I got promoted to Sergeant last Feb, in the reserves that is a pretty big promotion status wise. It is pretty neat because I get put in charge more and I get more responsibility. I also re-enlisted in June for three years. I am hoping that the next time I will be able to get a bonus (working as a civilian for the reserves makes me inelligable for any kind of bonus but some people are pushing to have that changed).
I am still a Unit Administrator for my reserve unit. It gets a little boring doing paperwork at times but I can still say that I like it.
Me and Lindsay are working on buying a house in Brigham. It is a condo type place. we are doing alot of the work from hanging the drywall all the way to finish by ourselves to bring the cost down. I have learned alot about drywall that I never wanted to know. It is a good skill to have but I would not want to do it for a job. The mudding is the worst part. In the next few days I will be completly done mudding so I am looking forward to that. Lindsay has been doing most of the painting as I have been finishing the mudding so that is almost done too thanks to alot of help from hers and my family.
Overall things are going pretty good for me, Still working, Lindsay and I are doing well together, I still love my video games, still "enjoy" exercise, still hang out with Ashton alot, (if any of you know him, he just got married a few weeks ago), Lindsay and Michelle (Ashtons wife) love to hang out together too so it works out good.
I can not think of anything else to say so I guess I am done for now.
I turned 25 last june and holy cow I am starting to feel it (although i know it will keep getting worse). All the fun I had when I was a kid are coming back to haunt me. I am doing good though.
I got promoted to Sergeant last Feb, in the reserves that is a pretty big promotion status wise. It is pretty neat because I get put in charge more and I get more responsibility. I also re-enlisted in June for three years. I am hoping that the next time I will be able to get a bonus (working as a civilian for the reserves makes me inelligable for any kind of bonus but some people are pushing to have that changed).
I am still a Unit Administrator for my reserve unit. It gets a little boring doing paperwork at times but I can still say that I like it.
Me and Lindsay are working on buying a house in Brigham. It is a condo type place. we are doing alot of the work from hanging the drywall all the way to finish by ourselves to bring the cost down. I have learned alot about drywall that I never wanted to know. It is a good skill to have but I would not want to do it for a job. The mudding is the worst part. In the next few days I will be completly done mudding so I am looking forward to that. Lindsay has been doing most of the painting as I have been finishing the mudding so that is almost done too thanks to alot of help from hers and my family.
Overall things are going pretty good for me, Still working, Lindsay and I are doing well together, I still love my video games, still "enjoy" exercise, still hang out with Ashton alot, (if any of you know him, he just got married a few weeks ago), Lindsay and Michelle (Ashtons wife) love to hang out together too so it works out good.
I can not think of anything else to say so I guess I am done for now.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Monday, July 14, 2008
Friday, July 11, 2008
Baby Grace's Epic (well, it doesn't rhyme)

I decided to keep a baby journal. This is only the first entry, if you would like to read more I will send you the rest, or you can find me on facebook.
July 1st 2008
Today you will be one day old. You gave us all a scare when you decided you were ready to come on the 22nd of June (Aunt Sheila’s birthday)instead of the 1st of September. Around 7:00am that Sunday we rushed to the Logan hospital, bringing your poor Uncle Mitch (who was half asleep and had just come to stay with us the day before), and Grandma (Karen) Mayne with us. After the doctor checked me and gave me some medicine, we got to leave (six hours later). It was a very hot summer, mid to high 90s every day. We only had air conditioner in one room, so we had to use a fan to keep cool. Needless to say, you got very hot an wanted to get out. Our second anniversary came on the 24th, and we almost forgot about it. That night you got ready, and we rushed to the hospital again, this time at 5:30am. The doctor said you were anxious to get out and sent us to Mckay Dee Hospital in Ogden (three hours later). We got to ride in an ambulance, while dad took Uncle Mitch home to Brigham and got Grandma and Grandpa (Phil)Mayne. Grandma picked us some really pretty roses from their yard, which Great Grandma (Glenda) Mayne had planted four years earlier. Dad was getting impatient, but they made it in good time. By that time everyone in the whole family and neighborhood were worried about you, because I had dilated to 3cm. You and I were stuck in the hospital until one of two things happened 1: you were born or 2: you waited until you were 34 weeks along and they‘d send us to Logan hospital(you were only 31 when we got there). We did pretty good. Dad had to leave us on Thursday, but my good friend Laura Sheffield helped make things more comfortable for me. She brought me movies, food, and a Game Cube. What a life saver! It’s boring in the hospital. She put up your ultra sound pictures, and the nurses all said you were the cutest baby there. We didn’t have a lot of visitors, but Grandpa Mayne came to see us almost everyday, he liked the break from home and work. He brought us lots of snacks. My good friend Emily Schumann came to visit us too. She bought us some bear claw ice cream. A lot of people wanted to visit, but there wasn’t much time. Julie and Sam Kidd came to see us, and the brought their niece Andee (she sure grew up fast!) By Sunday night you were ready to try again. At 5:30 in the morning (on June 30th, Julie‘s birthday), I notified the nurse. They hooked me up to a machine (again, for the third day) to make sure your heart was beating and to see how hard my stomach was trying to push you out. For some reason they couldn’t see how hard it was pushing. They got the doctor, and he said I had dilated to 8cm. They gave me an IV in my wrist, and an epidural in my back. Dad called Grandma and Grandpa Mayne at 7:00 am, and they came as soon as they could. They called everyone they knew while we waited. By noon it was about time to go, but someone else was in the delivery room so we had to wait. Dad said once we got in there, it only took half an hour for you to come out. They took you away as soon as you came, and put you in a room to be checked out. On the APGAR test you got a 6 at one minute and 8 at five. The doctors were impressed. You weighed roughly 4lbs 7oz, and were 17.5 inches long, a lot bigger that anyone expected. While we waited to see you, dad and your grandparents called everyone again to tell them how good you did. I was tired, and my legs were asleep, but I was happy that I could eat again and that you were safe. Dad was a nervous wreck. He couldn’t stop crying, he was so happy to be a dad and overwhelmed with the thought of taking care of you. I was not, because Sunday night he and grandpa gave us a blessing that everything would be good and told us that our Heavenly father loves us. We finally got to see you again for a minute, just dad and I. You looked so sad. You had wires coming out of you, and a big tube in your throat to help you breathe. You cried when they stuck a big needle in your leg, but no sound came out because of the tube. I cried a little too. Then they sent us away again. We ate breakfast and watched a little TV while we waited for them to tell us it was ok to see you again (around 5:00 pm). It seemed like you were on the other side of the hospital (so far away), we went through a maze of hallways just to find you. We finally found you, and dad started crying a little. Such a beautiful baby girl! You looked much better than you did before, you were sleeping peacefully. You were a little annoyed with us at first for waking you up, but then you were happy to have us there. I talked to you while dad wiped away his tears of joy. The doctors were really nice and answered all the questions dad had for them. After we got a couple of pictures with dad’s cell phone and sent them out, Grandma and Grandpa came back to the hospital to see you. Grandpa took a lot of pictures, you didn’t seem to mind the flash too much. Then the doctor said I could hold you. That was the happiest moment of my life. You are so precious to me. I wanted to hold you so much. You were very happy to have me hold you. You even opened your eyes to see me for the first time. You were so tired, and went right to sleep. I got to hold you for a long time, while dad and Grandpa took more pictures. Grandma just looked at you with admiration and didn’t say much, you are our little princess. Grandma Kulick wanted to be there with us so badly, but was in Long Island, New York. She bought you lots of clothes (I am sure are just adorable). After a while they told us we had to go, so that you wouldn’t get too stressed out. It was a long agonizing night. I wanted to hold you, but I couldn’t. We got to see you from 10:00am to noon, dad changed your diaper and got to hold you for the first time. The doctors were very impressed with you, you didn’t need the oxygen tubes anymore and they took out the annoying tube from your belly. You were your old self again, kicking an squirming non stop. The doctor said you tried to take out your IV today, so they wrapped your hand up in tape with a big cotton ball (which you liked to stick in your mouth). You looked like a little frog stretching your legs out and snapping them back in. Everyone agrees that you are the prettiest baby they have every seen. Grandpa came to see us again. He said you are “amazing“. Grandma is coming to visit you too, and to help me get through this hard time. They say I have to leave tomorrow. I am very sad, haven‘t stopped crying since they told me. I won’t get to see you so much. But Grandpa said I could go with him before he goes to work (or after)so I can at least see you everyday. I will be staying just down the road, but it feels so far away. Now I know how your dad feels, you are so hard to stay away from, we miss you too much. We are so lucky to have you, and you are lucky to be so healthy. The nurse put a little red bow on your head, because she thought such a beautiful princess needed a bow. You didn't like it when I changed your diaper, but you fell asleep so quickly in my arms. You got your first taste of breast milk today. It was a from a donor, and it went in through a tube in your nose. You didn't like the tube, but I think you liked the milk. That's all the excitement I have for today, but I am sure there will be more to report tomorrow. I am very tired, I didn’t get to sleep yet, and it’s 9:30pm. I didn’t get to eat much either, but Grandma went to find something for dinner. She is very good to us.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Happy 4th of July All!
Hey guys. July fourth is one of my favorite holidays. For some reason or another I've become fairly patriotic over the past decade and I am so thankful for our freedom. It's definitely worth celebrating! For the fourth we had a BBQ and invited some neighbors. We had 76 people show up and almost got in big trouble when the MPs insisted that they saw fireworks... fireworks? What fireworks? Did anyone see any fireworks? "No sir, that must have been a car backfiring." All in all, it was a good week. I came down with a nasty case of pneumonia in the middle of June and was finally feeling better last week so it was nice to be able to be around a bunch of people after being house bond for a while. How was your fourth? Did you do anything fun? Hope to hear from you all soon.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Hey my Good FRIENDS!
Holy Cow! I am so excited that I was able to meet up with you guys. You guys seem to be doing so well, and so happy I am glad for all of you.
Well I am sure you are all intrested where life has led me.lol Well we are now living back in Brigham City, (I know its odd) lol Well my husband was in the Army for the past 5 years, he was in the Infantry. We were stationed in Alaska, at Fort Wainwright (Fairbanks) We love ALASKA! Yes it would get down to -50 to -67 every winter, its crazy! But we miss it, and would do anything to go back. Kurtis went to Iraq, and was there for 17 1/2 months. I know crazy right. Well he was on his way back home, 2 days from my doorstep, and thats when Donald Rumsfelt EXTENDED them for adittional 120 more days. They started the Surge into Baghdad. That is when our life changed forever. Kurtis' company was ambushed, and kurtis plus 12 others from his squad were seriously injured, and 2 were KIA. Now he is home, and doing better than he was, but then he got Severe PTSD, and was medically retired from the army due to all of his complications. I told him well there are not many 28 year olds that have a Military Retirement.lol So we are back here putting our life back together. Kurtis is going back to school, in audiology. I finished my Bachelors in Respitory Therapy.
But despite our trials, we loved the military, and glad we served. We have 3 children. Kayla is almost 7, and Turner is 3 and Allie is almost 2. So you can guess I am busy! I stay home with them, and are doing more classes online, ( who knows where I am going with it. lol) Just to stay busy. Anyways, I am so glad that I was able to meet up with this blog! Cannot wait to hear from you all! Remembering the Good ol' Days!
Love ya all,
Amber Edelman (Hall)
Well I am sure you are all intrested where life has led me.lol Well we are now living back in Brigham City, (I know its odd) lol Well my husband was in the Army for the past 5 years, he was in the Infantry. We were stationed in Alaska, at Fort Wainwright (Fairbanks) We love ALASKA! Yes it would get down to -50 to -67 every winter, its crazy! But we miss it, and would do anything to go back. Kurtis went to Iraq, and was there for 17 1/2 months. I know crazy right. Well he was on his way back home, 2 days from my doorstep, and thats when Donald Rumsfelt EXTENDED them for adittional 120 more days. They started the Surge into Baghdad. That is when our life changed forever. Kurtis' company was ambushed, and kurtis plus 12 others from his squad were seriously injured, and 2 were KIA. Now he is home, and doing better than he was, but then he got Severe PTSD, and was medically retired from the army due to all of his complications. I told him well there are not many 28 year olds that have a Military Retirement.lol So we are back here putting our life back together. Kurtis is going back to school, in audiology. I finished my Bachelors in Respitory Therapy.
But despite our trials, we loved the military, and glad we served. We have 3 children. Kayla is almost 7, and Turner is 3 and Allie is almost 2. So you can guess I am busy! I stay home with them, and are doing more classes online, ( who knows where I am going with it. lol) Just to stay busy. Anyways, I am so glad that I was able to meet up with this blog! Cannot wait to hear from you all! Remembering the Good ol' Days!
Love ya all,
Amber Edelman (Hall)
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Must be true love
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Exciting Summer Plans Anyone?

Hey guys- it's been pretty quiet on this blog lately. Any new adventures going on in anyone's life? Pete and I have some pretty big plans this summer. We are planning on taking the kids to see the statue of Liberty next week. In July we will be seeing the fireworks from a port right before sailing down to Cancun, August we are planning on backpacking across Europe and we'll end the summer by climbing Mt. Everest in September.
OKAY, okay- not really. With the price of gas we're planning on going on a whole lot of bike rides (to the grocery store, to the swimming pool and of cours
e- the park) and then we plan on camping at Bear Lake for a week in August- that's about the extent of our wonderful vacation plans. Lalee has decided that she wants to get baptised (Pete and I leave the decisions to our kids as we don't think anyone should be expected to be baptised and it means more when they make the decision). That will happen on August 2nd. We'd love to have any of you that are in the area come if you'd like. I'll post more information as I have it.

This past week was Lalee's 8th birthday and Alex's 6th birthday. So between their birthday's, birthday parties (unwisely not on their actual birthday) and father's day it has been one REALLY LONG party. In fact I really need to be taking down balloons and streamers and cleaning up but this seemed much more appealing ;)
School is still going. It's kind of hard to believe that this is the last summer that both Pete and I will be going to school for a while, or at least until I start my Ph.D as we're both on track to graduate this spring, Pete with his bachelors in Business management and me with my Masters in School Counseling. I'm not sure if I'll know how to have summer without school (or life for that matter) it will be interesting.

I thought I'd post a couple of pictures of this past week. My favorite is the one with Pete and Lalee- I'm fairly confident that he won't be overly pleased when he realizes I posted it online:)
K- everyone, it's your turn. Write something so we know you're all still alive;)
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Saturday, June 7, 2008
this is mom
blen showed me the comments and set me up to type you a letter, so I will.your dogs look really cute. i am not having much luck with the computer....................call you later.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Pete and James....
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Our California Summer Thus Far....

Meet G.I. Jezebel and her side-kick the Great Goldent Goliath.
Here is Goliath trying to catch a rubber duck out of the wading pool (the ducks are all now missing beaks). Jezebel won't get in the pool, unless I put her in it after one of our walk/runs, in which she gets home panting loud enough to let the whole house know we are coming.

I bought a tricycle from a man whose health will no longer allow him to ride it. We have been having a good time with it. My roommate was shocked at the pugs reactions to the bike. We wheeled it into the backyard, and the dogs started doing excited little circles and making excited snorting noises. Then Goliath tried to jump right into the basket. Neither one of us could figure out how they knew the basket was to be their spot. I put a cardboard on the bottom of the basket underneath a dog bed, and put pipe insulator and a pool noodle around the edges of the basket to keep them from hurting themselves. Then I attached a Y-leash to the bike to keep them from jumping/falling out. They love it. And I have to admit, I prefer the trike to the Kiddie bike trailer we had in Logan. I can reach back and pat their little heads. But I admit that riding a trike is a bit more challenging than riding a bike. It will take some getting used to.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008
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