Thursday, August 30, 2007

Any one remember the spatula?

I had that spatula for years and then it broke because it was in the bottom of a box when we moved. = )

An update on me, Cherry (used-to-be-Anderton but now) Wolf. I've been married to a wonderful man, Ross, for 3 years now. This is us . . .
We have a dog . . .
We moved to Klamath Falls, Oregon (see map) and bought a house. I'm working as a Marketing Assistant at a destination resort ( and my hubby is a technician for Boeing working in an F15 flight simulator.
Life is going wonderful for the two of us. No complaints at all. = )

Monday, August 27, 2007

Cool idea

Hey, this is a pretty cool idea. Now I have more people to vent to about my problems!

No, seriously, things are going good, but slow. I'm starting my 6th year at USU (that's what happens with lots of half-time semesters), and I should be sending out my first applications to pharmacy schools this fall. I know Emma is really ready to get on with life, and so am I. Going to class makes me feel old, because everyone else is so little!

We found out yesterday that Emma is pregnant, so I guess I lost the battle. Don't anybody tell any of my family yet. You know how this goes.

Anyway, hope you're all doing well. Don't be strangers.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Hey again

So, I thought I would point out the fact that we can share pics with each other. I would love to see how hot you guys all look doing the different activities that make your life, well, your life. Just use the add image button at the top of the post create page. (okay, you guys probably don't need the thorough explanation that I would, because you are probably much better at this stuff. But I feel so smart explaining computer stuff to people!) I'll share pictures of my pugs. I just adopted them to a family in Florida, so they are not technically my puppies anymore. But they are SO photogenic. They make it look like I know what I am doing with a camera! I can already hear your Ooooohs and Aaaaahs.

I also thought it would be fun to play with all the buttons that control the page layout. I am trying to figure out if there is a way to let all of us play with these buttons, not just me. That would be boring. You guys are welcome to explore and see what you can find from your end (don't feel obligated). I think it would be fun if we could all express our creativity, however cheesey or silly it may be. It may take a while for me to figure out if there is a way for me to share editing options with the rest of you. I am not very computer savvy.

Friday, August 24, 2007

I hope I did this right ...

Hey what's up? I am trying to post a comment for everyone, but I am not sure if I did it correctly. Anyway, it sounds like things are going well. I am still in Hawaii, and will be for at least 2 more years. Doug is still in the Navy, and I am going to college. This is a good idea. I like it, because it is a little more private than Myspace. Anyway, I hope that you are all doing well.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Hi People

Hey guys, this is Geneva (used to be called Steff.) I am currently working as a dog groomer and in a club where I fight in heavy armour in my spare time.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Hey Everybody

A few of us were thinking it would be fun to see where our former classmates have ended up in life and where they are hoping to go in the future. Feel free to post whatever you want- big or small. And if you are in touch with somebody who wants to join the blog, let me know their email address, and we'll hook them up.