Merry Christmas.
May you have what you need, get what you want and remember the true reason for the season.
Cherry and Ross
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Thursday, December 6, 2007
What's up?
Ok, I'm glad that I am not the only one that has been slacking about posting. So, is everyone ready for the holidays? I am going to be in Utah from Dec16 - Jan1, so if anyone is in the area, we should get together and "kick it" (remember when we used to say that?). Unfortunately, Doug is stuck in the middle of the ocean for Christmas. :( Anyway, hope you are all doing well.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
I am sure you guys remember Brittany saying she is going on a mission to Poland. At this time, she is in the MTC. This is an email she sent to her family, who forwarded it to me and gave me permission to post it on the blog. Oh, and here is a website that lets you send free messages to Brittany while she is in the MTC.
and this is her mailing address.
Sister Brittany Ross
MTC Mailbox #121
POL-WAR 1226
2005 N. 900 E.
Provo, UT 84604-1793
The free message website asks when her departure date is, and I am sorry to tell you I don't know. I just made one up, and asked Brittany when she does leave. I'll let you know what she tells me.
And here is Brittany's letter:
Dzien dobre!
Jak sie macie? In our district, "jak sie masz" or "how are you?" is more
of an exclamation. We took pictures at the temple on our first Sunday
and one of the starsi blew a picture up and wrote "Jak sie masz!" at
the top. It's a cute picture and it's hanging in our classroom. I
really do have a great district. I am by far the oldest one, I'm even
older than all three of our teachers! But we all get along great, and I
have a feeling we can do some wonderful things for Poland. I'm trying
to take more pictures so I can send some home.
I need to write down everything that happens cuz I don't remember in the
heat of the moment when my time is ticking on the computer! On Sunday,
we had Sis. Matsumori of the General Primary Presidency speak to us in
Relief Society, and we went to meet her afterward. I also forgot to
mention that Elder Bednar came our first Tuesday devotional. It's so
amazing! And I hear Christmas is wonderful here. It's hard to believe
that the holidays are upon us. Time stands still here. I feel like
it's still September. The 3 week people who came with us are leaving
today! That means we are a third the way done. It's incredible!
Polish is coming along. There's a lot of memorizing to be done, but
things are starting to make sense, and we can have simple conversations
(very simple!). I love it!
One of my favorite experiences of this week was when we went to the
Referral Center. We were making follow-up outbound calls to people who
had requested items from the Church. I only reached one person home,
but she was the cutest Southern lady (black, judging from her voice) and
she told me all about her life (pretty difficult family situation), but
mostly, she shared her testimony about Christ with me. She had seen the
missionaries once or twice, but her husband was not kind to them at all,
so she didn't want them to come while her husband was there. I bore my
testimony and tried to encourage her to keep trying to get with the
missionaries because they had a message that could change her life. She
said she admired them because they were always being chased by dogs and
yelled at, but they kept coming back. She said they must have a very
special message to be so devoted. It didn't turn into a referral, but I
felt like we connected, and I hope it made a little difference in her
I feel like I am learning a little better what it means to rely on the
Lord. I want to be able to have the spirit with me all of the time, and
to know that it is guiding me. I'm not perfect in anything yet, and
it's hard to describe, but I know that the Lord answers our prayers, and
I know that we can place full confidence in Him and give Him our
burdens. On our missions, I'm learning that we cannot do anything of
ourselves. I cannot rely on myself alone, but if I rely on the Lord, I
can accomplish miracles. I have felt my testimony grow so much, and I
feel like I can declare without equivocation. I am still so weak and
infirm, but the Lord has said that the gospel will be declared by the
weak and the simple. I know this gospel is true, and I know why I am
here and it's not for me-- it's for those people in Poland whom I can
touch. Thank you so much for your prayers! Everytime I feel
discouraged, I remember that my family loves me. I love you, too!
Bardzo, bardzo!
and this is her mailing address.
Sister Brittany Ross
MTC Mailbox #121
POL-WAR 1226
2005 N. 900 E.
Provo, UT 84604-1793
The free message website asks when her departure date is, and I am sorry to tell you I don't know. I just made one up, and asked Brittany when she does leave. I'll let you know what she tells me.
And here is Brittany's letter:
Dzien dobre!
Jak sie macie? In our district, "jak sie masz" or "how are you?" is more
of an exclamation. We took pictures at the temple on our first Sunday
and one of the starsi blew a picture up and wrote "Jak sie masz!" at
the top. It's a cute picture and it's hanging in our classroom. I
really do have a great district. I am by far the oldest one, I'm even
older than all three of our teachers! But we all get along great, and I
have a feeling we can do some wonderful things for Poland. I'm trying
to take more pictures so I can send some home.
I need to write down everything that happens cuz I don't remember in the
heat of the moment when my time is ticking on the computer! On Sunday,
we had Sis. Matsumori of the General Primary Presidency speak to us in
Relief Society, and we went to meet her afterward. I also forgot to
mention that Elder Bednar came our first Tuesday devotional. It's so
amazing! And I hear Christmas is wonderful here. It's hard to believe
that the holidays are upon us. Time stands still here. I feel like
it's still September. The 3 week people who came with us are leaving
today! That means we are a third the way done. It's incredible!
Polish is coming along. There's a lot of memorizing to be done, but
things are starting to make sense, and we can have simple conversations
(very simple!). I love it!
One of my favorite experiences of this week was when we went to the
Referral Center. We were making follow-up outbound calls to people who
had requested items from the Church. I only reached one person home,
but she was the cutest Southern lady (black, judging from her voice) and
she told me all about her life (pretty difficult family situation), but
mostly, she shared her testimony about Christ with me. She had seen the
missionaries once or twice, but her husband was not kind to them at all,
so she didn't want them to come while her husband was there. I bore my
testimony and tried to encourage her to keep trying to get with the
missionaries because they had a message that could change her life. She
said she admired them because they were always being chased by dogs and
yelled at, but they kept coming back. She said they must have a very
special message to be so devoted. It didn't turn into a referral, but I
felt like we connected, and I hope it made a little difference in her
I feel like I am learning a little better what it means to rely on the
Lord. I want to be able to have the spirit with me all of the time, and
to know that it is guiding me. I'm not perfect in anything yet, and
it's hard to describe, but I know that the Lord answers our prayers, and
I know that we can place full confidence in Him and give Him our
burdens. On our missions, I'm learning that we cannot do anything of
ourselves. I cannot rely on myself alone, but if I rely on the Lord, I
can accomplish miracles. I have felt my testimony grow so much, and I
feel like I can declare without equivocation. I am still so weak and
infirm, but the Lord has said that the gospel will be declared by the
weak and the simple. I know this gospel is true, and I know why I am
here and it's not for me-- it's for those people in Poland whom I can
touch. Thank you so much for your prayers! Everytime I feel
discouraged, I remember that my family loves me. I love you, too!
Bardzo, bardzo!
Monday, November 12, 2007
I will let him continue so that i do not embarass him further... :)
This is James, Laurens not embarassing, I just didn't know we had a blog. How do you like our family costume? I married an angel and we had a anvil.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
This blog post thing doesn't look anything like brandis blog site. The hell is going on? I feel so lost. Anyway, if this is the correct place then I'll get started. My name is James and I'm an alcoholic. Wait no I'm not, I'm a father and husband. I love to shoot elk and eat walleye. For those of you who don't know, walleye is my favorite fish. You can't buy it at a store so if you want to get me a christmas present you'll have to buy me a gun. I digress, I'm a proud father of one little boy. He never runs out of energy, he runs into walls. He probably sees them, but doesn't understand that they don't move. My wife is a wonderful person. She watches my son all day. I think that would be an easy job, she disagrees. I have a good job, my title is 'Quality Assurance Team Leader.' The functions I perform are those of a secretary. I just get paid better. This year I shot a small 5x5 elk. It's the first one in 10 years. I love elk steak, whoever reads this, do you know of any good recipies? I know of a couple. I have a degree in Food Science... and am famous for ruining macaroni and cheese. Now it's time to see if this blog went to where it was suppossed to go. I'll post more later.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Fine...I'll Post Something
Well, here's a bit on what's been going on with us.
Emma is about 14 weeks pregnant now. We were down in Salt Lake Saturday visiting her parents when her aunt, who is a nurse in an OB clinic that's closed on the weekend, called and asked if she wanted an ultrasound "just for fun." The baby is still pretty small, but you could see all the fingers and toes and how much it was moving. Her aunt said if she had to guess, she would guess it was a boy, but it's definitely not a certainty yet. We were just happy to see that it looked healthy and in one piece, and that there was no alien head, four legs, or a tail.
In September, just after the second week of the fall semester, I had an artery break open inside my small intestine and I lost half my blood volume over the next few hours. I was hospitalized for 4 days, had all kinds of horrible things done to me to find out what was wrong, and somewhere along the way I pulled a muscle in my leg in a fall from passing out from low blood pressure. Two months later, I still can't do too much. Where I was running 3 miles and trying to go on hiking trips as often as possible and bike across Logan to work, I am barely able to walk a few blocks. I suppose it'll take months before I'm back to normal. I'm just worried about getting fat before then! ;o)
I had to drop all my senior-level biochemistry classes, so now I'm stuck with a couple 1010 classes and online medical terminology. Talk about easy. I don't even feel like I'm in school anymore. I just drive up to campus every couple weeks and take a test. I'm still hoping to graduate next December, but now I won't be able to attend pharmacy school until Fall 2009. That means the youngest I will be when I finish school will be 32!!! That's horrible! But from what I hear about the job market for pharmacy and the 6-figure starting wages, I guess it'll be worth the wait.
Enough about my exciting life! Here's what I know about everyone else:
Kim, my sister, was evacuated for a few days because of the fires in southern California. Apparently, stuff was burned in her town, but her house and business were okay. She was worried about losing business, but she said when she opened the next day she was swamped with customers!
James Bond is living near Twin Falls, ID, and I know he's tried to get on here, but he can't figure it out (insert idiot comment here). He's a manager at a food plant there, they have a house and their son, Kaden, is about 3 years old.
Brad and Jenni Bond moved to Pennsylvania this summer. He's doing a Masters degree in Landscape Architecture at Penn State, and his knees are hurting him because of the low altitude (insert pathetic old man comment here).
My other sister, Melissa, had her baby, Aidan, in August. He's not even three months old but already talking lots of gibberish and wanting to play.
Emma is about 14 weeks pregnant now. We were down in Salt Lake Saturday visiting her parents when her aunt, who is a nurse in an OB clinic that's closed on the weekend, called and asked if she wanted an ultrasound "just for fun." The baby is still pretty small, but you could see all the fingers and toes and how much it was moving. Her aunt said if she had to guess, she would guess it was a boy, but it's definitely not a certainty yet. We were just happy to see that it looked healthy and in one piece, and that there was no alien head, four legs, or a tail.
In September, just after the second week of the fall semester, I had an artery break open inside my small intestine and I lost half my blood volume over the next few hours. I was hospitalized for 4 days, had all kinds of horrible things done to me to find out what was wrong, and somewhere along the way I pulled a muscle in my leg in a fall from passing out from low blood pressure. Two months later, I still can't do too much. Where I was running 3 miles and trying to go on hiking trips as often as possible and bike across Logan to work, I am barely able to walk a few blocks. I suppose it'll take months before I'm back to normal. I'm just worried about getting fat before then! ;o)
I had to drop all my senior-level biochemistry classes, so now I'm stuck with a couple 1010 classes and online medical terminology. Talk about easy. I don't even feel like I'm in school anymore. I just drive up to campus every couple weeks and take a test. I'm still hoping to graduate next December, but now I won't be able to attend pharmacy school until Fall 2009. That means the youngest I will be when I finish school will be 32!!! That's horrible! But from what I hear about the job market for pharmacy and the 6-figure starting wages, I guess it'll be worth the wait.
Enough about my exciting life! Here's what I know about everyone else:
Kim, my sister, was evacuated for a few days because of the fires in southern California. Apparently, stuff was burned in her town, but her house and business were okay. She was worried about losing business, but she said when she opened the next day she was swamped with customers!
James Bond is living near Twin Falls, ID, and I know he's tried to get on here, but he can't figure it out (insert idiot comment here). He's a manager at a food plant there, they have a house and their son, Kaden, is about 3 years old.
Brad and Jenni Bond moved to Pennsylvania this summer. He's doing a Masters degree in Landscape Architecture at Penn State, and his knees are hurting him because of the low altitude (insert pathetic old man comment here).
My other sister, Melissa, had her baby, Aidan, in August. He's not even three months old but already talking lots of gibberish and wanting to play.
Monday, November 5, 2007
HELLO!! Anybody out there?
Hey guys,
We are so bad at posting on this thing!
I am currently living out in the country in Florida (or what people on the east coast refer to as country, anyway). The family who adopted my dogs have now adopted me, too. It is very warm here in Florida, and it doesn't feel like it is going to be getting cold anytime soon. I am not used to wearing shorts and t-shirts in November, but I am excited that I won't be getting stuck in a snowy driveway this winter. It's a nice change.
So, I am currently living with a couple, their son and his wife, and their 5-year-old daughter, 2 pugs, and a schnauzer. Oh, and there used to be a bull in the backyard, but he kept escaping to go to the field to visit a cow that was in heat. And I thought trying to round up Goliath (one of the pugs) was difficult! We had to chase this bull with a car (one time a car and two trucks) until we could bully him back into his own fence. I don't know how people once kept thousands of those animals. They are SO BIG! And they get so angry. I think they have such a temper because they kick themselves in the nuts every time they walk or run. Have you seen how low those big, ol' things hang?!? And when they start bucking, you would think they would knock themselves impotent! (okay, give me a break. Military training is not exactly comparable to that of a finishing school.)
I am flying to Utah for about a week (leaving FL tomorrow, actually) and then I am kidnapping my sister and bringing her back here for a week. The pugs really need their claws clipped. I don't think it's been done since the last time Geneva (who is a dog groomer) did it. Well, and I guess it will be nice to visit her too (obviously, since the flights cost more than paying a groomer here to clip the claws).
Right now, I am involved in a whole bunch of nothing. Ok, not really nothing. I am trying to navigate the VA system- not such an easy task. But there are a lot of good people working for the system who are a lot of help. I would like to know what the VA is going to do for me and expect from me, so I can get some kind of job around here and take some more belly dancing classes (I can't resist the shiny costumes). I am thinking about getting a job working for one of the many horse farms around here. The city I live in is the thorough-bred horse capital of America or something like that. I am so excited to muck stalls and clean horse manure out of horse-shoes!
It would be great to hear how the rest of you are doing. Any news? No? How about fun hobbies? Do your spouse/in-laws/children/roommates drive you crazy or make you laugh? What did you have for dinner last night? What are your favorite TV shows/movies/books?
Oh, and do you know anyone else's email addresses? It would be fun to add more members to the blog. Specifically, I am wondering about Jacqueline Miles, Jenni Burger (keep forgetting her new last name), Amber Hall, Danette Peterson (last name?), Brad Bond, Nancy, or anybody else's addresses? It sure would be fun to hear from the rest of them. If you have an email address, feel free to email me, JaNae, or Mike, and we can send them an invite. Thanks!
We are so bad at posting on this thing!
I am currently living out in the country in Florida (or what people on the east coast refer to as country, anyway). The family who adopted my dogs have now adopted me, too. It is very warm here in Florida, and it doesn't feel like it is going to be getting cold anytime soon. I am not used to wearing shorts and t-shirts in November, but I am excited that I won't be getting stuck in a snowy driveway this winter. It's a nice change.
So, I am currently living with a couple, their son and his wife, and their 5-year-old daughter, 2 pugs, and a schnauzer. Oh, and there used to be a bull in the backyard, but he kept escaping to go to the field to visit a cow that was in heat. And I thought trying to round up Goliath (one of the pugs) was difficult! We had to chase this bull with a car (one time a car and two trucks) until we could bully him back into his own fence. I don't know how people once kept thousands of those animals. They are SO BIG! And they get so angry. I think they have such a temper because they kick themselves in the nuts every time they walk or run. Have you seen how low those big, ol' things hang?!? And when they start bucking, you would think they would knock themselves impotent! (okay, give me a break. Military training is not exactly comparable to that of a finishing school.)
I am flying to Utah for about a week (leaving FL tomorrow, actually) and then I am kidnapping my sister and bringing her back here for a week. The pugs really need their claws clipped. I don't think it's been done since the last time Geneva (who is a dog groomer) did it. Well, and I guess it will be nice to visit her too (obviously, since the flights cost more than paying a groomer here to clip the claws).
Right now, I am involved in a whole bunch of nothing. Ok, not really nothing. I am trying to navigate the VA system- not such an easy task. But there are a lot of good people working for the system who are a lot of help. I would like to know what the VA is going to do for me and expect from me, so I can get some kind of job around here and take some more belly dancing classes (I can't resist the shiny costumes). I am thinking about getting a job working for one of the many horse farms around here. The city I live in is the thorough-bred horse capital of America or something like that. I am so excited to muck stalls and clean horse manure out of horse-shoes!
It would be great to hear how the rest of you are doing. Any news? No? How about fun hobbies? Do your spouse/in-laws/children/roommates drive you crazy or make you laugh? What did you have for dinner last night? What are your favorite TV shows/movies/books?
Oh, and do you know anyone else's email addresses? It would be fun to add more members to the blog. Specifically, I am wondering about Jacqueline Miles, Jenni Burger (keep forgetting her new last name), Amber Hall, Danette Peterson (last name?), Brad Bond, Nancy, or anybody else's addresses? It sure would be fun to hear from the rest of them. If you have an email address, feel free to email me, JaNae, or Mike, and we can send them an invite. Thanks!
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Got too excited
Wow, we just got too excited and told everyone too soon. Ross and I won't be having a baby just quite yet. Wasn't the right time I guess. God's got everything in control.
Denver, I hope things are still going well with you and your wife. I'm excited for you two! Our time will come soon enough.
Denver, I hope things are still going well with you and your wife. I'm excited for you two! Our time will come soon enough.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Hey everyone! I haven't heard from most of you in like... 7 years! Well except for my brother and Brandi. So whats going on? How is everyone? Its raining today in sunny California, nice change from the extremely hot weather we have had lately. I am getting ready to drive to L.A today for an interveiw for a reality show that Animal Planet is doing on groomers. I probably wont get it but its exciting anyway! Well cant wait to hear from all of you!
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Ooh, I feel pretty modern, now!
I didn't even really know what a blog was till Brandi came up with this idea. It's a good one, by the way! It's fun to read!
As most of you know already, I have been called on an LDS mission to Poland. I leave on October 24th. I'm pretty stoked about it. I have an e-audiobook that is teaching me a little of the language. It's pretty crazy. Up until now, I've finished school after 6 wonderful years. I have my degree in Music Ed and Composition, but I've just been working at a music store up until now to earn money for said excursion out of the country. I've been keeping busy with private students and work and preparing for this mission and trying to keep some semblance of a social life. I've been having a lot of fun, actually. I hope everyone is well, and I wish Brandi the best of luck! Definitely keep us updated as to where you end up. Maybe close enough to visit!
this is me signing out of this super hi-tech blog...
As most of you know already, I have been called on an LDS mission to Poland. I leave on October 24th. I'm pretty stoked about it. I have an e-audiobook that is teaching me a little of the language. It's pretty crazy. Up until now, I've finished school after 6 wonderful years. I have my degree in Music Ed and Composition, but I've just been working at a music store up until now to earn money for said excursion out of the country. I've been keeping busy with private students and work and preparing for this mission and trying to keep some semblance of a social life. I've been having a lot of fun, actually. I hope everyone is well, and I wish Brandi the best of luck! Definitely keep us updated as to where you end up. Maybe close enough to visit!
this is me signing out of this super hi-tech blog...
Greetings for Wisconsin
Hey, this is Marty for those of you that know me. I graduated in May with my Master's in Computer Science and got a job doing software verification a couple of weeks later. Sheila and I are now living in Germantown just north of Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Let me just say that after 20 years of school, real life is great! I'm enjoying the job -- challenging, yet relaxing. Oh yeah... and it's nice to have an income.
Sheila and I want to buy a Wii, so let us know if you have any suggestions for 2-player games.
Let me just say that after 20 years of school, real life is great! I'm enjoying the job -- challenging, yet relaxing. Oh yeah... and it's nice to have an income.
Sheila and I want to buy a Wii, so let us know if you have any suggestions for 2-player games.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Change of plans...
Hey, everybody:
Just an update. I have been released from the Officer Candidate School for medical reasons. When I applied for the program, I had to get a waiver for a diagnosis I recieved in 2001. The high stress of the training environment triggered my condition, so the Navy is taking steps to make sure I get treatment, and the leadership has to discuss during this next week whether I will be released back into the civilian world or if I will be serving out the enlistment contract I had to sign to join the program.
Don't worry about my health. I am okay, and the Navy will pay all the costs of treatment. I was a little disappointed about not completing the training at first, but after a few hours I did not feel so bad about it. I am kind of excited to see where life takes me now. Life is such an adventure, and one never knows where the road leads to next, do they?
I'll get you updates when I know what's going to happen!
Just an update. I have been released from the Officer Candidate School for medical reasons. When I applied for the program, I had to get a waiver for a diagnosis I recieved in 2001. The high stress of the training environment triggered my condition, so the Navy is taking steps to make sure I get treatment, and the leadership has to discuss during this next week whether I will be released back into the civilian world or if I will be serving out the enlistment contract I had to sign to join the program.
Don't worry about my health. I am okay, and the Navy will pay all the costs of treatment. I was a little disappointed about not completing the training at first, but after a few hours I did not feel so bad about it. I am kind of excited to see where life takes me now. Life is such an adventure, and one never knows where the road leads to next, do they?
I'll get you updates when I know what's going to happen!
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Back in touch just in time
Ross and I just found out . . . we're having a baby. I'm six weeks along and due April 29th. I got in touch with you guys just in time for presents. Woo hoo!!! Just kidding. We're pretty excited though.
Anyone tried to get Mara in the loop on this blog? I have as her email address but don't know how to invite anyone. Help?
Anyone tried to get Mara in the loop on this blog? I have as her email address but don't know how to invite anyone. Help?
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Hey Guys
I think most of you know that I recently graduated, and I am going back into the Navy. I got my orders and my flight itinerary. I will be leaving this Saturday (September 8th) for Officer Candidate School in Newport, RI. I am excited and nervous and all that fun stuff that goes with big life changes. I will not be able to access the internet for a while, so I gave my password to Mike since I am the moderator of this blog, and it appears to be a one moderator only kind of deal. If I say something really silly and out-of-character (or at least really out-of-character), you might want to question the true source of the comment. Just a heads-up.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Any one remember the spatula?
I had that spatula for years and then it broke because it was in the bottom of a box when we moved. = )
An update on me, Cherry (used-to-be-Anderton but now) Wolf. I've been married to a wonderful man, Ross, for 3 years now. This is us . . .
We have a dog . . .
We moved to Klamath Falls, Oregon (see map) and bought a house. I'm working as a Marketing Assistant at a destination resort ( and my hubby is a technician for Boeing working in an F15 flight simulator.
Life is going wonderful for the two of us. No complaints at all. = )
An update on me, Cherry (used-to-be-Anderton but now) Wolf. I've been married to a wonderful man, Ross, for 3 years now. This is us . . .

Life is going wonderful for the two of us. No complaints at all. = )
Monday, August 27, 2007
Cool idea

No, seriously, things are going good, but slow. I'm starting my 6th year at USU (that's what happens with lots of half-time semesters), and I should be sending out my first applications to pharmacy schools this fall. I know Emma is really ready to get on with life, and so am I. Going to class makes me feel old, because everyone else is so little!
We found out yesterday that Emma is pregnant, so I guess I lost the battle. Don't anybody tell any of my family yet. You know how this goes.
Anyway, hope you're all doing well. Don't be strangers.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Hey again

So, I thought I would point out the fact that we can share pics with each other. I would love to see how hot you guys all look doing the different activities that make your life, well, your life. Just use the add image button at the top of the post create page. (okay, you guys probably don't need the thorough explanation that I would, because you are probably much better at this stuff. But I feel so smart explaining computer stuff to people!) I'll share pictures of my pugs. I just adopted them to a family in Florida, so they are not technically my puppies anymore. But they are SO photogenic. They make it look like I know what I am doing with a camera! I can already hear your Ooooohs and Aaaaahs.
I also thought it would be fun to play with all the buttons that control the page layout. I am trying to figure out if there is a way to let all of us play with these buttons, not just me. That would be boring. You guys are welcome to explore and see what you can find from your end (don't feel obligated). I think it would be fun if we could all express our creativity, however cheesey or silly it may be. It may take a while for me to figure out if there is a way for me to share editing options with the rest of you. I am not very computer savvy.
Friday, August 24, 2007
I hope I did this right ...
Hey what's up? I am trying to post a comment for everyone, but I am not sure if I did it correctly. Anyway, it sounds like things are going well. I am still in Hawaii, and will be for at least 2 more years. Doug is still in the Navy, and I am going to college. This is a good idea. I like it, because it is a little more private than Myspace. Anyway, I hope that you are all doing well.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Hi People
Hey guys, this is Geneva (used to be called Steff.) I am currently working as a dog groomer and in a club where I fight in heavy armour in my spare time.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Hey Everybody
A few of us were thinking it would be fun to see where our former classmates have ended up in life and where they are hoping to go in the future. Feel free to post whatever you want- big or small. And if you are in touch with somebody who wants to join the blog, let me know their email address, and we'll hook them up.
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